The market for bamboo products is also dwindling. Many traditional bamboo products are fast disappearing from the local markets as plastic items are used as substitutes. They are cheap, handy and readily available. Mats, baskets, fancy articles and even “muram” are now being made with plastics.
“How can we complete with plastics ? asks Thankappan, whose five - member family eke out a living by making mats and baskets with reed.
The State Bamboo Corporation, which supplies bamboo, reed and cane failed to address the vital issues of this traditional industry.
“We are in a terrible predicament”,laments Devarajan of Anchal.None of the major political parties see our woes, because we belong to a maginalised society, the Parayas, adds Devarajan.
Reported by GOPARAJ PUNALOOR Designed by NOUSHAD