Friday, March 02, 2007

Redirecting vibes

You call on a friend after a long time and find a miniature fountain at the entrance as she greets you at the door. "Nice," you think. There's a wind chime hanging at the window sill, a laughing buddha on the coffee table - you raise an eyebrow. Then the penny drops..more and more people are turning to Feng-Shui these days what with consultants claiming that the ancient Chinese art will do away with every problem affecting man. With a little help from the pros, Feng-Shui can make one rich, heal diseases and improve relationships.

Dealers in Feng-Shui articles observe that the most sought after symbol is the 'Lucky Bamboo'. Indeed, one now finds a verdant shoot of the plant in just about every household. The fact that the plant hardly requires any sunlight makes it easy to maintain. Feng-Shui practitioners claim that the plant revitalises the owner, enabling him to face the stress of everyday life. Asha Balanandan, a bank officer, has a 'Lucky Bamboo' on her dining table. "It symbolises luck and success. The plant also circulates the forces of energy where it is placed so that it does not stagnate," she says. She also has a fountain placed in the den. "This will absorb negative vibrations," she points out as she adds, "moving objects such as these also help in the area of one's career." Other moving objects like chimes and butterflies are also recommended by experts.

Symbols used in this method of channelising the positive and negative energy in one's home and workplace are many. From a three-legged moon frog, a dragon, laughing Buddha holding a cash bag, Chinese coins in a cash box for financial troubles, five-rod wind chimes to Mandarin ducks, mirrors, coloured candles, bells and goldfish,the list is endless. B. Shyamala, a housewife attended a 3 day workshop held by a Feng-Shui consultant. Small mirrors have been hung at strategic places on the walls of her home. A laughing Buddha sits atop a table. Goldfish shimmer in a tank at the entrance.She is hoping the discreet additions will bring about necessary changes within the household and a good alliance for her son.

Feng-Shui does not require that one bring down the walls of the house for solutions recommended. Minor adjustments and additions can also work the intended effects. At the end of it all, not only does one find solutions to problems but the visible changes add zest to the interiors often livening up spaces. This is where the true magic of Feng-Shui comes in. The tinkle of wind chimes or the sound of a gurgling brooke in the background soothes the mind often encouraging the individual to perform better. It is largely the pycological effects on the person that makes all the difference.

by sajini


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